Brookings Institution Ranks This Show as One of the Foremost Purveyors of Misinformation

The New York Times has teamed up with the Brookings Institution to smear this program and its predecessor, the great Rush Limbaugh.

They claim that the Rush Limbaugh Show/Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show are the #3 purveyors of misinformation in the American audio universe.

This comes on the heels of the first major mainstream media report on the increase in heart attacks among young people “since covid.” What’s astounding is the article doesn’t even MENTION the possible impact of the covid vaccine! And we’re the ones peddling misinformation?

This show and conservative media in general has been way ahead of the curve on covid, the Hunter Biden laptop and other topics, which the Democrats and media have been lying to you about. We’ve been proven right time and time again.

On Friday’s show, Clay invited the researchers at Brookings to come on this show and tell us what they heard here that was wrong and why. But we’re not holding our breath for them to show up.

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