Candace Owens Brings the Fire

CLAY: We bring in now Candace Owens, @RealCandaceO. She’s with the Daily Wire, has a fantastic show there. I’ve been on a couple of times. She’s also now moved to the great city of Nashville, Buck Sexton. It is not a bad place to live. Candace, thank you for joining us.
CANDACE: Thanks for having me.
CLAY: All right. So let’s start here. You’ve been super fired up about, as Buck and I have as well, the absurdity of all the covid mandates that are rolling down. How does this end? How do we win and return to some form of normalcy?
CANDACE: To be honest, it’s one of those discussions that really needs to be had on an individual-to-individual level. In Tennessee, I sort of led the charge in getting parents to understand that we are no longer in control of our children. The fact that the states are determining whether or not your children will be masked, whether or not you’re comfortable with it or not, is really a full breakdown and corrosion of family values, of realizing that parents should be in charge.
And so we sort of led that march in Tennessee. Fortunately, you know, the parents came out and they went absolutely wild and the governor stood up and said, “This is unacceptable,” and he signed an executive order and that’s not allowed but that needs to happen, that sort of response state by state. And I don’t foresee it happening in states like New York and states like California unless Gavin Newsom loses the recall to Larry Elder.
Because people have been conditioned for so long to just trust whatever their governments say unquestioningly. And so we are fortunate in America in that that can’t really be sort of a blanket federal mandate for these things and we can fight on the state-by-state level and I do believe that that’s what needs to happen but people actually need to take their own power back on an individual basis.
BUCK: Some states… Hey, Candace. This is Buck. Some states are in lockdown vax mandate madness — Fauciism is the general term I’ve been using for a long time for it — but however people to want describe it. Texas and Florida are making it so that at least there’s choice when it comes to parents and their kids and whether to wear masks in schools. They’re not actually banning masks, despite what the media says. But Texas has banned vaccine mandates, vaccine passports. South Dakota’s Governor Kristi Noem however says she will not back a ban on vaccine mandates in her state. What do you think about that?
CANDACE: Yeah, I was really shocked to learn that. I thought she was sort of behind the opposite; so it definitely seems unlike her since she was so against the lockdown of her state from start to finish. It’s problematic when you give the government that sort of power over your body. Many of these places, they’re now putting pressure on the private companies to say, “Well, you need to mandate it.”
Many of these companies, by the way, are accepting federal dollars. So this is the federal government try to get around and be sneaky, even in terms of — I think I read earlier — that Delta Airlines is now going to start fining people who don’t get the vaccine. You know, every month they’re going to take $300 from their paychecks. This stuff is by and large unconstitutional.
You should never, ever hand power over your body to the state, and we’re talking about — when these mandates were put into place — when these weren’t even authorized by the FDA. You weren’t even allowed to say on Facebook they weren’t authorized, that were they authorized by the FDA. They said authorized for emergency usage. But they didn’t have clearance and they were still willing to do this. So this is scary times. America has become increasingly more tyrannical.
I just got back from the United Kingdom. This is not going on there. People need to actually leave their country to realize how unique this is in America. There are no mask mandates in all the U.K., and they just announced yesterday also that there will be no mandates to children. So what is happening in America? What separates us from the United Kingdom, what separates us from all of these other countries that are saying no?
And the answer is that we have a governing body — and they’re not really governing but the CDC — in collusion with the World Health Organization, in collusion with the Biden administration that really wants to have totalitarian control over the citizens in this country. And we were told that Trump was going to be the dictator.
CLAY: It is pretty wild, Candace. And Joe Biden… I don’t know if you saw the USA Today poll where he’s down to a 41% approval rating. To the extent that you can rely on polls as everything is falling apart with Afghanistan, the border, the budget is a mess. We’ll see what ends up happening there. Where do we go from here as it pertains to the Joe Biden administration? Do you think he’s going to be able to fulfill a full four-year term? Kamala’s over, of all places, in Vietnam just reinforcing the fact that we’re dealing with a modern-day Saigon in 1975 situation. How do you see this playing out from here?
CANDACE: You know, it’s interesting. I think this is the reason why the only reason he speaks is about the never-ending pandemic. It’s the reason why Dr. Fauci slips the other day and said that this pandemic would be over in fall of 2022, meaning at midterm time. This is the way forward. This pandemic is giving them the right or the reason.
Despite the fact that they have none to radically transform election process seems the only way forward for the Democrat Party, because people are starting to recognize, “Wait a minute. I don’t recognize this country.” We have been humiliated on the world stage in terms of Afghanistan. The Taliban is not afraid of us. We’re now negotiating and begging for terrorists to give us more time.
This country is not strong, and now a lot of that rhetoric that they were so offended when Trump, they’re starting to recognize. He’d just tell you the truth no matter how offended you are. He was telling you the truth. America was on the brink. We’re on the brink of losing everything that this country, because if you don’t elect a strong leader and you instead elect a senile man who we have known to be senile…
BUCK: Some breaking news. This is from CNN. “U.S. Defense Official: Very specific threat stream on planned attacks against crowds outside Kabul airport.” Now, look. Threat stream reporting. I used to assess this. I used to be the guy sitting there at the CIA who was looking at this stuff. We’re speaking to Candace Owens of the Daily Wire, the Candace Owens Show.
Candace, there’s a breaking news item here about a “threat stream against crowds outside of Kabul airport.” I just wanted to pose this to you because I think everyone needs to understand the Biden administration is already embattled but it does feel like the entire Biden presidency is hanging by a thread right now depending on how the next six days or so goes.
CANDACE: That’s exactly right. I think despite how the next six days goes it’s hanging on a thread, like I said the scale has fallen from the world’s eyes. You know, they controlled so much of the outside rhetoric about what was going on in this election process. They controlled all of the rhetoric about conservatives, about Trump supporters, because internationally — I’m married to a Brit — all they have is CNN International. There’s no Fox News International.
They’re believing everything that CNN has sold them. But this situation in Afghanistan has really awakened the rest of the globe to the predicament that America is in, you know, that we are a totalitarian state, the media is dishonest, all the things we have been saying for years — fake news people not telling the truth — people are seeing it in real time in terms of Afghanistan.
They’re seeing how the press tries to hide all of his symptoms and he doesn’t have the strength to stand up and take questions when we are facing an international crisis. And you can’t remember the basics, the names of the people that are surrounding him on a daily basis. So that is the only good thing about what is happening with Afghanistan is that there is now a global awakening happening as to the corruption of the Democratic Party.
CLAY: Candace, you’re getting attacked a lot over the years probably in ways that you never would have anticipated. I think you got attacked anew this morning. I saw you trending on Twitter this morning, I believe, and I’m sure you’re kind of used to trending on a day-to-day basis, and I gotta honest. Buck and I talked about this.
It’s smart when you’re trending to go ahead and be like, “Hey, if you’re just becoming aware of who I am, here’s my product! Come watch it. Make sure you subscribe.” That’s really the best way to try to take advantage of what is a fundamentally dishonest social media platform. But what’s it like to trend as often as you have been, and in particular of late?
CANDACE: You know, for me, it kind of has lost its glamour because now we know that those trends are controlled by Twitter. The Daily Beast seems to have some arm in when they decide they want something to trend and they want to make something a big story that clearly isn’t trending. So I’m really kind of rather uninterested and I do tend to promote whatever it is I’m working on, unless there’s something that I deeply care about and I want to make people aware of something then I’ll sort of hit back as I did today.
CLAY: Yeah, and you hit back in a big way.