Clay Called It: Cuomo Will Make Comeback

BUCK: (impression) “We should have a little discussion about a certain Governor Cuomo.”

CLAY: Ah, that’s right.

BUCK: He says (impression), “I thought I was done. I had resigned after all the smooching and grabbing, but then I heard Clay Travis say something. Clay Travis says, ‘He’s gonna make a comeback,’ and he’s a smart man.”

CLAY: I was the only person. I was out on an island there when I said, like, “This dude is resigning now to try to set the table for a comeback.”

BUCK: You were talking about a comeback while the ink was still drying on his resignation letter. So, yes, we should talk about that in the next hour. By the way, I think it will be unsuccessful. I think he’s out of his mind. But —

CLAY: I think he might win.

BUCK: Oh, my gosh. I can’t say you’re wrong.

CLAY: He’s got so much money, Buck. He’s got so much money still, $16 million I think he’s got in the bank and they’re talking about — we’ll talk about it more detail, but they’re talking about — him running for AG. I mean, nobody spends $16 million on an attorney general’s base right?

BUCK: It’s pure bitterness. He wants Letitia James out.

CLAY: He wants to fight her head-to-head.

BUCK: He is literally gonna go and take her job. Interesting, this is also the left. I mean, she’s a very prominent black female, attorney general. Is the left gonna say, “Who is this guy coming in here” and the whole diversity and inclusion course? Are they gonna say anything about it? We’ll have to… I wonder, ’cause also there’s the #MeToo component of Cuomo.

There’s a lot going on there. We will get into that. I just wanted to know that they’re already talking about it — and remember, Anthony Weiner. Yes, Anthony Weiner! He was actually polling well in the New York City mayoral race before the next round of stuff.

CLAY: He might have won if he could have just stopped sending pictures to random girls on the internet. They were willing to give him a pass on the first mess. If he had just truly changed his ways, he would have potentially won.

BUCK: Yeah. But, anyway, anything feels like it’s possible these days.