Clay’s Weekend in Vegas

CLAY: You know what they say, Buck: When you’ve been out in Vegas for a while, sometimes it just takes a little while to get back. Also, every now and then, studio’s aren’t perfect. But you and I are rolling and we’re about to be joined by Ted Cruz. I gotta say this before Ted Cruz gets here, Buck. One, he’s a good poker player. Two, it was really the highlight, I think, for everybody — Ted Cruz’s kids as well — this YouTube guy who you’ve never heard of, Buck.
BUCK: MrBeast. I’ve heard of him now ’cause this guy’s got more followers than some major world religions.
CLAY: Yeah. He’s got 66 million followers on YouTube, and I got him — and I think Ted Cruz did as well — to send a message to each of our kids, and it’s maybe the most popular, coolest thing that I’ve ever done from their perspective. He gave them — he was a nice guy — a 30 second video for each of my kids, and they’re saying, “Oh, my God. This was unbelievable!”
So even though you had Doyle Brunson and so many other poker greats — Phil Hellmuth there as well — that was the one that everybody was reacting to. And this guy was… I mean, 66 million YouTube subscribers. There’s probably a huge percentage of our audience doesn’t know him at all. If you have kids or grandkids and you ask them, I think there’s almost a 100% chance that they will know who this guy is.
So it was really a fun weekend out in Vegas to be able to participate in that event.
BUCK: We’re gonna be joined by Senator Ted Cruz here in a second. He’s gonna tell us how many gold fillings did he win out of Clay’s teeth, how many of his deeds did he take from him. Clay, you don’t have to give us a preview. Do you want to tell us?
CLAY: I will say this. They’re going to turn our poker match… I was told it was one of the most fun poker matches that they’d had. They might turn it into three or four different episodes of Poker After Dark. I think that’s what they’re talking about. So we had an awesome table. And, no, I don’t think I’m allowed to talk about it, although I didn’t sign anything — maybe I did, I don’t know — they might come after me anyway if I say what happened in the outcome. I will say this: Ted Cruz good poker player.