Courageous L.A. Doctors Speak the Truth on Covid in Hospitals

CLAY: A lot of kids in California, I would bet, come when school returns there in September, late August, are going to be required to wear masks based on where the numbers are likely to be.

But one of the justifications that’s being used to support this decision is what’s going on in the hospitals. And there were a couple of courageous guys out there who decided, inside of the hospitals, to actually speak out regarding what they are seeing in terms of the health that is occurring. These are L.A. County and USC epidemiologists Paul Holtom as well as Brad Spellberg. I want you guys to hear what they’re saying.

HOLTOM: It’s the experience of our hospitals reflective across the county, which I believe it is we’re just seeing nobody with severe covid disease. As of this morning, we have no one in the hospital who had pulmonary disease due to covid, nobody in the hospital — we have 24 people who have tested positive for covid, but nobody, nobody who had covid-19 disease as we would see in the past.

CLAY: And then also another clip, I believe, Buck — and, again, I just want to hammer this home ’cause this is something Buck and I and many people who actually look at the data have been saying for a long time — there’s a difference between people who were hospitalized with covid — in other words, testing incidental, you come in for a knee replacement, they find out that you have covid — and also people who are there because of covid.

Listen to this. This is L.A. where they’re about to reinstitute masks.

SPELLBERG: Only 10% of our covid-positive admissions are admitted due to the covid. Virtually none of them go to the ICU. And when they do go to the ICU, it is not for pneumonia. They’re not intubated. They are not these horrible, hundred percent — we haven’t seen one of those since February. It’s been months.

What we see is electrolyte abnormalities or somebody who had autoimmune attack of the nerves, and could that have been related to covid. That’s the kind of stuff that we’re seeing. It is just not the same pandemic as it was, despite all the media hype to the contrary.

BUCK: These are top doctors, highly credentialed, for all the blue check — I can’t even think of all the degrees that other guy said — FAAACS, LMNOP.

CLAY: In his Twitter name he had all of his advanced degrees.

BUCK: Of course. ‘Cause then you can’t argue with the person because they must be so smart. Here you have doctors who are effectively telling everybody calm down — not for this audience because they know —

CLAY: Ten percent, Buck, 10% of covid patients actually have covid-related issues.

BUCK: They have inflated and, honestly, lied about the hospitalization numbers for so long. Knowing that the numbers are garbage but using them anyway becomes a kind of lie. And that is exactly what has happened all throughout the hospital system. We know that hospitals are reimbursed at a certain level based upon covid admission and there was special money for this.

We’re gonna be untangling all the lies and hysteria for years over this, but, they’ll get away with it, folks, unless we hold them to account in the midterms. That’s why we keep talking about it.