Dr. Paul Alexander Calls Back, Says Kids Shouldn’t Be Vaxxed

BUCK: Our buddy Dr. Paul got a lot of attention when he was on the show last week. He was in Toronto. He’s back in Washington, D.C. He was formerly in HHS under the Trump administration. We did a little bit of digging to find out more about Dr. Paul. Dr. Paul, what do you got for us today?
DR. PAUL: Hey, thanks, Clay and Buck. It’s Paul Alexander. I’m so honored and privileged. Look, I’m listening to you guys, and it’s an exceptional show. I want to say it this way. I wanted to make the argument that a nation has to consider their children already vaccinated and immune — and I’ll make my case quickly, shortly.
But I wanted to follow up with something you said. Look, I had my own links and dealings with Dr. Fauci, and I’m not gonna get into his service and all of that. But I’ll say that on covid for the last 19 months, he’s been flat wrong on everything. I think he’s one of the most, illogical, irrational and actually, at some points, absurd.
I am a scientist. I’m an academic scientist, and I work with many. We cannot understand anything he says, from day to day. It blows my mind, the attention he gets, because he had leadership positions in Trump and he has a leadership position in Biden. And I just don’t understand it. Now, here’s what I wanted to tell you today.
I looked at all of the evidence, me and researchers that I work with. We looked at every nation, every location in terms of lockdowns. Every single lockdown failed! We looked at every location in the world that implemented a school closure, including across the United States.
Every single school closure failed to stop transmission, failed in every possible way. We examined mask mandates. In every state in the United States and in every country in this entire world, not one location did a mask mandate work to stop transmission.
Every single policy that the task force under Trump implemented — and Trump implemented their policies. These were not Trump policies. He was guided by Fauci and Birx, et cetera. Every single policy failed. Every one was a catastrophic failure. For anyone to ever go back and try to blame Trump, I sit back and bristle because he took tone and guidance from them.
Yes, he was the boss, but he needed their technical input. And they failed him. They misguided him, and they even misguided whoever advises Biden, because this present administration is a complete failure. But I wanted to go back now to what I said. No child in America must be vaccinated with these vaccines. None.
And we must consider them already immune and actually vaccinated. Why? Children? The infectious fatality rate is close to zero for children, close to zero, statistical zero. Children don’t readily acquire it; don’t readily spread it. They do not get severely ill, readily, and they do not die and that is not me making this up.
This is data, and the reality is, I looked at the evidence to try to understand, is there molecular or biological explanation? And what I found was Patel and Bunyavanich. They published some research, two separate papers last year in JAMA that showed that in the nostrils of children and their nasopharyngeal passage lacks the number of ACE2 receptors that it does have.
That began to explain to us why children were at such low risk to begin with. Children just do not have the apparatus to become readily infected and readily transmit, and that’s one piece of the puzzle. I also looked at some research by Loske, who also showed that the airways in children already primed to sense this virus and had a much stronger early innate response to the SARS-CoV-2.
That was point two for me as to why children were at such risk. I looked at research by Yang, and Yang told us that the blood that they collected from kids before SARS-CoV-2 started had the type of B-cell antibodies in it that showed that they were exposed to prior common cold and give them some protection.
That was potent, potent data that the medical community knows. CDC understands. There’s also research by Wise and Faber that told us that the T-cells in children when they looked at it, they were so naive and so untrained that that gave them an understanding of why children’s immune system responded.
Those four pieces of evidence tell me from a biological and a molecular point of view — I’m not even talking about the Danish studies and the French articles that showed children didn’t spread. I’m not talking about the Ludvigsson study in Sweden that showed of two million Swede kids, no cases of death.
I’m not even talking about the epidemiology. I’m talking about the molecular, underlying biology. It shows that children do not get this infection readily and do not spread it. Children have no opportunity for benefit from these vaccines, only potential for harm. We must not allow our children to be vaccinated, and that’s what I wanted to share today.
BUCK: Dr. Paul!
CLAY: Thank you, Dr. Paul. He kills it every single time he’s on.
BUCK: You’re following this guy. Obviously, his knowledge, his ability to be conversant in both the details with the high level about this. It’s very compelling, which is why we had him on before. I had doctors all across the country writing in to say, “Yeah, what Dr. Paul said? I agree,” and I think we’ll have a lot more of that today, Clay.
CLAY: No doubt. And look. I’m a parent. I believe in vaccines. My kids are vaccinated. They’re not going to get covid vaccine because of everything he just laid out. You look at the data; they’re not at risk from covid! Why would you, for young kids, insist on a covid vaccine? It’s madness.