Don’t Miss Clay, Buck & President Trump from Mar-a-Lago

CLAY: We are going to be down at Mar-a-Lago on this day a week from today, and we will be broadcasting live with President Trump from Mar-a-Lago.

BUCK: February 22nd.

CLAY: February 22nd, exactly one week from today, we will be down at Mar-a-Lago; President Trump will be on with us quite a bit during the course of that program, doing the show live from there. So, that is something for you to kind of put on the calendar, to put a little notation: One week from today. We’ll continue to mention it as we get closer to that, but should be a really fun program for us on the day after Presidents’ Day. One week from today, February 22nd, we will be live broadcasting from Mar-a-Lago for the whole show.

BUCK: Gonna be fantastic, folks. President Trump with us at Mar-a-Lago. We’re gonna have a lot to talk about.