Former NFL QB Jay Cutler Takes a Stand for Common Sense

CLAY: Jay, thanks for coming on with us, man. You are really fired up about the mask mandates and everything else that is out there. In addition to being a first round NFL quarterback, you got young kids —
JAY: Yes.
CLAY: — and you’re saying you’re gonna run for the school board in the county where we live. When should we expect you to be rolling?
JAY: Yeah. That’s absolutely true. I have a kindergartener, a second grader, and a third grader. So, it’s something that I’m passionate about and is important to me. In my district, the guy that has the seat now is up in 2024. So, I got a little bit of time to start figuring this out. But I’m 100% in and I’m doing it.
CLAY: So, what has got you so fired up about this? I know you’re with me on the stupidity of the mask mandate. I’m also curious as a former first round NFL player, quarterback on multiple teams, what sort of conversations have you had with other guys in the NFL about their perspective on covid, the response to it? There’s a lot of people out there who think the NFL has blown this in addition to our schools, right?
JAY: Oh, absolutely. I think that right now we live in a world that’s you’re either extremely on the right side or extremely on the left side, where I think Americans in general are somewhere towards the middle. They lean on common sense. They lean on things that make sense to them at the end of the night. And right now, that’s not the world we live in. So, if you look at the NFL (chuckles) it’s kind of comical.
You send these guys out there, they’re sweating, they’re breathing on each other, they’re tackling, they’re doing all these things, and then you want to put masks on them on the sidelines, you want to put masks on them in their locker rooms and everywhere else. So it just doesn’t make a lot of sense. And I think you look at the school systems now, especially Williamson County, and the school where my kids go to school is actually elementary and middle school.
So the kids with the lowest — pretty much the lowest — chance of catching covid and it being serious are the elementary kids. The middle school’s in there as well. They don’t have to wear masks. Elementary kids have to wear masks. So, they’re all mingling together. It’s just doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.
BUCK: Hey, Jay, it’s Buck.
JAY: Hey.
BUCK: I know that you got a little taste of the cancel culture world because you’re supposed to have a sponsorship deal with Uber, right?
JAY: Uber.
BUCK: But then your mask situation causes this — or your opposition to masking up children, which I would just say is child abuse and it’s insane and the science doesn’t support it.
JAY: Yeah.
BUCK: But anyone who listens to this show knows that Clay and I both feel that way.
JAY: Right.
BUCK: Is this…? I’m just wondering. The amount of crazy that you were subjected to once this came out, was this an all-time high? The fact that you don’t want your young children to be sitting in school with a completely unnecessary and stupid mask on their faces all day, are the trolls online coming at you harder on this than anything else? I know you’ve been in the NFL for many years, talked about a lot of things. Is this the worst?
JAY: I tell you what. You get a few, and that’s what brings me back to my comment before. I think most Americans are leaning on common sense. It just doesn’t make sense. For every one person I get coming at me, I get 20 comments or messages of support saying, “Hey, I get it; I’m with you.” So that’s what makes me think like, “Hey, we’re obviously in a trying time in America, but I think most people are thinking the same thing.” It’s just they just don’t have an outlet or they don’t have a safe space like they can voice their concerns or their thoughts.
CLAY: Jay, what surprises me… So, first of all, props to you for being willing to say what you actually believe. What surprises me is how many people who are super wealthy and theoretically don’t ever have to make another dollar in their life —
JAY: Mmm-hmm.
CLAY: — are afraid of what people online might say about them. I don’t know if you paid attention to it, but Carrie Underwood liked Matt Walsh, who we had on the show earlier this week, arguing against masks.
JAY: Yeah.
CLAY: And I don’t think she’s made a public comment — at least, I haven’t seen it since.
JAY: No.
CLAY: But I would love to see Carrie Underwood come out, who’s got young kids, like both you and I do —
JAY: Yup.
CLAY: — and just say, “Hey, I’ve looked at the data. I’ve looked at the science. I don’t believe masks work or make young kids safer. You don’t have to agree with me.” But it’s amazing how many people are so terrified of people being angry at them over a opinion like this that they won’t actually throw up double birds and just say, “Hey, this is what I believe. Deal with it.” ‘Cause I think if that happened more often, these mobs that try to cancel people would recognize they really don’t have any power.
JAY: I totally agree. I mean, Mike and Carrie are great. I’m not really gonna speak on where she stands or what she wants to do. But I think we’re heading in a direction that I think we’re gonna see more and more of this, and more people that are going to voice their concerns over the masks and over political things. I just think that we’re heading there. It’s just kind of a slow process at this point. But people like Carrie, people like you, people like Matt Walsh, all these people are fighting back. And I think that at some point, we’re gonna hit a turningpoint where we head in that right direction.
CLAY: Yeah, I wish you have a good weekend but on your way out here I want to thank you for coming on. I know you’ve got a podcast where you’re going to be speaking out more and more about what you think on a variety of different issues.
JAY: Yeah.
CLAY: Where can people find that going forward?
JAY: Yeah, appreciate it. It’s gonna be Uncut with Jay Cutler on PodcastOne and Apple and everywhere you listen to your podcasts. But we’re gonna have some cool guests. We’re gonna have football talk. But I’m diving into kind of everything that I’m passionate about, my lifestyle and everything I do. So, it’s gonna be fun and we’re really gonna kind of take the bars off and talk about things that are important to me and important to the world right now.
BUCK: Jay, thanks so much for joining us, man. Good to talk to you on the Clay and Buck show.
JAY: I appreciate it.
BUCK: We appreciate it.
JAY: Thanks, guys.