Joe Goes for Guns: You Need a Nuke to Overthrow Me Anyway

BUCK: The Democrats are pretending it’s not defund the police that’s the problem, folks. It’s guns, again — just suddenly, guns. That’s what Joe Biden gave a speech about yesterday. Clay and I are going to break this down. And I mean break it down because it was a lot of absurdity, misdirection, and silliness.
CLAY: Should we play the Joe Biden ridiculous clip first as we’re about to go to break here and then play it again for people to enjoy as we come back to break all this down? When stupid clips exist, Buck, I feel like there’s a lot of value in being able to enjoy it more than once.
BUCK: Let ‘er rip.
CLAY: So, let’s go ahead and do that. Put up Joe Biden letting everybody know that if they really want to overthrow the government, they need F-15s and nuclear weapons, not guns.
<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”” title=”YouTube video player” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe>BIDEN: (whispering) The Second Amendment from the day it was past limited the — the type of people could own a gun and what type of weapon you could own. You couldn’t buy a cannon. Those who say, “The blood of liber — the blood of patriots,” y’know (confused pause) and all this stuff about how we’re gonna have to (confused pause) move against the government.
Well, the tree of liberty is not watered with (slurs) the blood of patriots. What’s happened is that there (pause) never been… If you wanna to — think you need, uhh, to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some mmm… nuclear weapons. The point is that there’s always been the ability to limit, rationally limit the type of weapon that can be owned and who can own it.
BUCK: It’s like he’s never heard of Afghanistan for the last, well, going on decades now, actually, quite some time.
CLAY: A lot of money we spend over there.
BUCK: And also I’m pretty sure there was a group of ragtag rebels a few hundred years ago who were greatly outmanned, outgunned, and yet a bunch of guys in Redcoats had to find somewhere else to hang out because turns out that an armed citizenry can be quite effective against tyranny. But we don’t… Clay, we will return to that.
CLAY: We’ll play that clip for you again. It’s an embarrassment, by the way, that that’s the president of the United States in just the way he’s talking. I mean, come on. That is a ridiculous —
BUCK: Joe Biden is a sub-mediocrity.
CLAY: It’s embarrassing.
BUCK: The guy has just been around for that long. He’s the guy that was in the back office, you know, like, “What exactly do you do?” And now they’ve made him president. What does he even do here? He’s Milton Waddams at the top of the Democrat Party, for you Office Space fans out there.
CLAY: It’s one of the best movies of all time. It really is.
BIDEN: (whispering) The Second Amendment from the day it was past limited the — the type of people could own a gun and what type of weapon you could own. You couldn’t buy a cannon. Those who say, “The blood of liber — the blood of patriots,” y’know (confused pause) and all this stuff about how we’re gonna have to (confused pause) move against the government.
Well, the tree of liberty is not watered with (slurs) the blood of patriots. What’s happened is that there (pause) never been… If you wanna to — think you need, uhh, to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some mmm… nuclear weapons. The point is that there’s always been the ability to limit, rationally limit the type of weapon that can be owned and who can own it.
BUCK: Welcome back to The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show. Buck Sexton here, Clay Travis right with me, diving into Joe Biden’s I think largely diversionary speech yesterday meant to take away from the notion that defund the police, as we discussed on this show, took quite a hit — at least in the New York City mayoral election where the pro-police candidate came out on top.
And that could have been ramifications for similar races and certainly raises the eyebrows of some Democrats looking closely as what it’s gonna turn into for the midterms. We want to hear your thoughts on the Biden gun speech. I mean, here he goes again. This is the same stuff we always hear, Biden going anti-gun. It’s 800-282-2882.
Remember to go to for news stories that we’re talking about and also transcripts and other fun stuff from the show. Clay, what do you find…? This is one of those sound bites that we have where we could tear it apart in five or 10 different ways and go on for an hour, but I want your top-of-the-line, why is this among the dumbest — probably the worst, but among the dumbest — things that Biden said yesterday in the speech?
CLAY: What jumps out to me, Buck, is this is the exact opposite of the argument surrounding the, in quotes, “insurrection,” which is really just, let’s be honest, a riot among a billion riots that took place surrounding 2020 at the Capitol. And what do I mean by that? You heard and have heard and continue to hear from Democrats that this was a legitimate assault upon government.
That’s the entire purpose of calling it an insurrection. Yet virtually no one was armed with anything, Buck. Everyone just about who went into the Capitol… By the way, the most majority of people just kind of did it as a gallivanting-type thing.
But even the ones who went into the Capitol and have been charged with serious wrongdoing, almost none of them had what we would consider to be any sort of traditional weapon. Right? Yet people are saying, “Oh, this was an insurrection. They were trying to overthrow the government.”
Well, now we have Joe Biden here, Buck, saying, “If you’re gonna really try to take over the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons!” I’m not an expert in exactly what everybody had who was involved in the, quote, “insurrection.” But, Buck, I didn’t see any F-15s parked outside of the U.S. Capitol and I certainly didn’t see anybody with any kind of tactical nuclear weapons that they were trying to storm the Capitol with.
BUCK: And you also have to wonder, this is the commander-in-chief — he is, folks — in Joe Biden who seems to have very little understanding of the history of rebellion, of counterinsurgency, of U.S. military operations and other countries’ military operations in developing world countries stretching back now for a long time.
It’s not just as easy as, “We have nukes so we will control you.” This is an idiotic thing that the left often says. They roll this argument out, and it’s because they honestly… Guns is an area — and I want to come back to this with you, Clay. I want to put this thought out there. It doesn’t matter how ignorant a leftist is when it comes to guns as long as they are opposed, and they know that. It’s virtue signaling with ignorance attached to it, and they don’t care. Journalists? It doesn’t matter to them whatsoever.