Los Angeles Enacts Sweeping Vaccine Mandate

BUCK: We do have an update Clay just told me about that I wanted to bring it to your attention when it comes to covid. Just as we have said all along… This is breaking news; so if this were a TV channel, you’d have the whole “alert” thing on the screen, right, and breaking news about covid or covid policies. L.A. is now requiring the vaccine card, the vaccine passport for all indoor venues, indoor sites.

So that means restaurants, gyms, malls, et cetera. This is now the reality here. I wanted to get into the crime situation and where that right now is taking the country, because on the one hand you have the biggest increase in murders in a hundred years — even according to CDC and the FBI data that they have been crunching — but it’s the insurrection soccer moms that we are supposed to be worried about.

The FBI’s got their best men and women on it right now. Wow, the FBI. CIA, too. I’m ex-CIA, I’ll say it. Huge brand hits for those two organizations in the Trump years and now continuing on, people really working on how they could trust the top level, not the rank and file, but the top level of those organizations, decisions that are being made.

But, Clay, I gotta say, proof of covid-19 vaccines for restaurants, bars, gyms, movie theaters, convention centers, card rooms, museums. We have a lot of folks in L.A., Los Angeles — thank you, KEIB — who listen to this show. And now they’re just like me here in New York City, sounded by the Fauciite insanity and losing the ground of freedom every passing day.

CLAY: What’s interesting, Buck, is L.A., for people who know the geography a little bit, L.A. County is directly north of Orange County, and Orange County has typically been a bastion of conservatism. Obviously, that is changing some. But L.A. County mandated masks, Buck. Orange County did not. They have now been through what appears to be the worst of the Delta surge.

Do you know what happened? Virtually identical numbers in L.A. County and Orange County ’cause masks don’t work. And I would imagine that a lot of our listeners who live in Orange County will find that there are not covid vaccine passports required in Orange County, but they are required in L.A. County. And you know what will happen? Nearly identical data in both those places because all of this is cosmetic theater. Now, guess who’s going to L.A. Sunday?

BUCK: Oh, man. Neo from The Matrix avoiding the many vaccine-passport and Fauciite regulations still so buddy, I guess you’re gonna have to get all your food to go.

CLAY: I think it doesn’t go into effect ’til November 4th.

BUCK: Fine. Look at him. Look at him. He dodged another one. He dodged another one.

CLAY: I dodged another bullet Neo-in-The Matrix style. But I’m gonna be doing another show in L.A. for most of next week. I’m going out on Sunday. I’m flying there from College Station which is where I’ll be to the Alabama-Texas A&M game with the OutKick bus tour, by the way, do you know whose swinging by to the Outkicks bus tour? Jesse Kelly.

BUCK: Oh, our buddy Jesse Kelly.

CLAY: Texan extraordinaire. I think he’s in Houston. I think he’s gonna drive.

BUCK: He would have been a great wide receiver. He could have just walked up field, and they could have thrown the ball high in the sky ’cause he’d be the only person who could catch can.

CLAY: Yeah, I’ve not met Jesse in person.

BUCK: You’ve never seen him? He’s giant, actually.

CLAY: I heard a giant man.

BUCK: Yes.

CLAY: But so we’re gonna be in Aggie land and then I’m flying from there to L.A. I’ll be doing the show. It won’t really impact the people who are listening all because you don’t really know where we are. But I’ll be in L.A. and the question I have, Buck — and I think this is a good one — who’s next? Right? This is a question you’ve asked.

Are the declining numbers of cases going to pull back the impetus? You know New York and L.A. they pretty much always do the exact the same thing. San Francisco I don’t know if there’s a mandate in San Francisco but I’m sure there either is or will be soon. How many other cities do you think will follow the lead of New York and L.A. on vaccine passports?

BUCK: I think every major Democrat-controlled city with a half a million people or more is going to do it.

CLAY: Really!

BUCK: Unless there’s a state restriction. So that means Texas is out and Tennessee is out, right? There will be places where it’s not. But in terms of New York, Chicago, Atlanta — well, Atlanta’s kind of a purple state — Los Angeles, San Francisco, go down the list.

They’re gonna have additional restrictions ’cause here’s what I think we can’t — and see, because we are not hubristic leftists, Clay, we can say, “I don’t know what’s gonna happen with cases this winter.” I can see it. We’ve had Alex Berenson on — who’s gonna be joining us again on Friday, by the way, to talk about the latest data.

But it could be that we have mostly, I would say, natural immunity built up to a point. And also we’ve had so many of the people that are at highest risk have already gotten covid that you might have a relative quiet winter for covid or because of what we know is the vaccine efficacy dropping off after six months a lot of high-risk people got their shot in March or April.

And that means that they’re gonna be at a kind of 50-50 place for the protection that they have from getting sick. Now, they say it’s much higher protection for hospitalization and death, but that also may change in time — and the U.K. and Israeli data indicates that it will, but we don’t know.

But, Clay, if it gets bad, that’s when you’re gonna see the increase in the Fauciite mandates and also with boosters. I think you’re gonna see a lot of people who were willing to get the shot, who were willing to go to that point, who were gonna say, when the booster goes from open to you, which it is now, to recommended, to maybe even mandated?

There will be a lot of folks who say, “Okay, now, you’ve really done it. Now you’ve actually crossed a line that I won’t go along with,” and then they might put in more restrictions in order to deal with that what they would call intransigence, I would call being a rational person who pays attention.

CLAY: That’s a pretty nice vocabulary word there, by the way. I was just pausing to enjoy your SAT words.

BUCK: Irredentism. We light it up here on the Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show.

CLAY: But I do think that’s the question that a lot of people out there listening have, ’cause you may not live New York; you may not live in LA. We certainly have a lot of people who listen to us in both cities, and I enjoy visiting both cities. I ain’t gonna enjoy visiting both cities if they’re gonna make me show a vaccine passport in order to get a beer or to go to a sporting event.

The other question is, Buck, in addition to how many other cities are gonna do this, how long is this process gonna be in place? And to your point on the booster shot — and this is what I got into with Mark Cuban about the Dallas Mavericks game. Are you gonna start demanding not only that you be vaccinated but that you be fully vaccinated through the booster process?

Again, I think this is a big question that a lot of our listeners have: “How does this end? When does it end? How do we land a plane?” None of us have ever lived in a universe, Buck, where they’ve ever demanded that we show proof of vaccine in order to get a beer or take our family to go eat in a restaurant or go see a movie. So when do these regulations get dialed back, ’cause the history of the government is that usually regulations that get put in place last for way too long.

BUCK: And let’s also remember that over 99% of all the people who they’re going to be telling, “You can’t come in here right now,” are entirely healthy and don’t have covid.

CLAY: Oh, yes.

BUCK: So, I mean, over 99% of the people that are being annoyed by those who are saying, you need your vaccine passport, they are people who are entirely healthy and are being blocked from living their normal lives.

CLAY: And have a 99.8% of survival even if they get it!

BUCK: Look, it’s gotten worse than I think anybody could have anticipated in terms of the mass hysteria that we’ve all been subjected to, and we should have been… I do believe that a lot of what gets — a big piece of what’s — left off this, Clay, is the mobilization of extreme fear in the election year as a means of control.

CLAY: Worst year it could have been hit.

BUCK: And I think that we forget that they were saying, “Oh, my gosh, stay home! Dogs and cats living together. Mass hysteria!” I mean, they were going all out with it because it was politically useful then and what then happened is, one, they established a whole lot of whole that they didn’t want to give up after they induced that hysteria.

And then they’ve realized, I think, it’s actually hard, to your point about unwinding this. It’s hard to get people whom you you’ve convinced to be completely irrational about risk to start being rational about risk when you’re finally tired of the total the control that you have over their lives because there’s only so much that even the Democrats are going to continue to do.

CLAY: Not only that, Buck, but the number of deaths… We talked about this earlier in the show and I think it stunned a lot of people. More people have died with covid in 2021 under Biden than died in 2020 with covid under Trump. And so that is a stat that I think for a lot of people out there it’s an “oh, wow” kind of moment because they bought in to the idea that Democrats and Biden were gonna solve things.

BUCK: You remember when he used to give those speeches? There’s so much about this that feels like it was a decade ago, but it was earlier this year. Remember when the big thing from Biden was 100 days of masking? A hundred days of masking. Like a moron, he was saying this like it was gonna save all of us.

It did nothing, and we look at the data and we know that it did nothing — and even the idea that that would have done anything is just rooted it in the nonsensical Fauciism that unfortunately has been driving so much of the policy all along here. L.A. going this direction is entirely unsurprising. The blue states are going to do this. What I think may be a big problem for them — and this is, Clay, where we have to watch this very closely. That data out of Massachusetts that I talked about earlier in the week where you had… I didn’t really do the math.

CLAY: Roughly 30%.

BUCK: Close to 30%, 25-ish percent of people in the hospital with covid were fully vaccinated.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: It’s gonna get harder and harder as the blue states… If they’re hit by a covid wave and if there’s a big spike in hospitalization. The narrative has been, “Oh, if only people got the shot, there would be any really bad outcomes. Therefore, the people that question the shot are bad.” That’s what the Democrats and Biden administration has been selling everybody.

You start seeing those hospital numbers tick up where let’s say it is 30 or 40 or more of a percent of those who are in the hospital are fully vaccinated and we’re going through a bad wave? I think that might be a change in people’s perception here of whether they should continue to listen to Fauci. Not everybody but I think the middle of the country, sort of political middle of the country may say to themselves, “Oh, we got a real problem here.”

CLAY: I think that’s what happened with the Christmas comment, Buck. I think what Fauci said on Sunday when he said it’s too soon to say whether or not you’re gonna be able to celebrate Christmas with your family — for those people that move missed that audio, he was on CBS’ Face the Nation.

They tried to un-ring that bell almost immediately. And I just can’t remember any Fauci opinion — and in fact, not only did he try to unring the bell, he accused people like you and me. He said, “Oh, they’re spreading misinformation about what I said.” We played actual audio of what he said.

BUCK: That’s the fun thing about sound bites. We can actually play the sound bites and people can hear it. Yeah, crazy. Absolutely crazy.