Lt. Governor-Elect Winsome Sears Calls Out Biden’s Racism

CLAY: We certainly have been having an amazing day celebrating a big win in Virginia to help bring the country back to some level of sanity, the woke agenda taking a major punch on the chin. And one of the big winners is the Virginia lieutenant governor, Winsome Sears, a black woman, former Marine veteran who was elected statewide alongside of Glenn Youngkin last night. She said some interesting things. Republicans are called racist by Democrats, but people like Biden? Well, they’ve actually done racist things. Cut 14.

SEARS: They say the Republican Party’s racist, but they have done quite a bit of racist things. I have had white liberals talk down to me, talk down to me as if I didn’t exist simply because I’m a Republican. I mean, how dare you! Who told you you could talk to me that way because I’m not the right kind of black? Is that how this works? And then Joe Biden starts telling us when he was running for president that if you don’t vote for him, you’re not black enough?

BIDEN: If you have a problem figurin’ out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black!

SEARS: Really? If Republicans had said something like that, can you imagine? We would be still be talking about it today.

BUCK: Condescension and hypocrisy, the twin pillars of liberal vulnerability, Democrat vulnerability going into this election and many elections before it. But I think people are more aware of it now than they’ve been in a long time, Clay, because of the way they’re setting up their narrative, because of the way they’re treating people who really do just want their kids to be in good schools and learning things they should be learning.

Not indoctrinated with either the trans agenda or wokeism and intersectionality and… I learned the term intersectionality three, four years ago. These are made-up things the kids are now being introduced to and hit with and it’s just amazing how much they’re gonna call out… On the same night where you have the first black woman to win statewide office in Virginia, they’re calling out the racist Republican Party. Of course, she is a Republican. This is… They don’t even care. The facts don’t matter, and she points out they act like if you’re Republican and you’re black, somehow that doesn’t get counted the same way.

CLAY: Well, and think about the state of Virginia has a governor scandal because he was in blackface and the attorney general was in blackface. So look, I’m not claiming that everybody needs to be canceled for every stupid thing they’ve ever done throughout history, but that’s kinda significant when you’re talking about party that just elected the first statewide black woman in the history of your state to office…

When you’re calling that party racist, and you have the skeletons in your closet currently sitting in the same offices? It’s kind of a big deal, I would think, to be able to point to those and say, “You’re not exactly operating with clean hands here,” and it just goes to overwhelming hypocrisy that is at play, and that’s why I think the Republicans have a better story to sell to white, black, Asian, and Hispanic people. I think that’s what we’re starting to see because minority support is growing for Republican candidates.