Masking Kids Will Be This Generation’s Vietnam

JEN PSAKI: Well, the guidance is very clear, which is that we recommend, uhhh, masking in schools. Uh, that’s the recommendation from the CDC. It is also true that at some point when the science and the data warrants, of course, our — our hope is that that’s no longer the recommendation. Uh, and they are continually assessing that. But the guidance is very clear. It is also true that it has always been up to local school districts to make determinations about how to implement these policies.

BUCK: Oh, wait. Hold on a second. That was Psaki from the White House. Welcome back to the Clay and Buck show. Notice how somehow that no one is actually responsible for these decisions, but you have to do it. There’s authority in place, but there’s no accountability for the authority. Is the White House pushing…? This has been a central problem, Clay, the entire time.

How can you have accountability when no one’s actually making the decision, right? It’s like you’re trying to complain at a restaurant about, you know, a bad meal, and they’re saying, “Well, it’s not me; it’s the chef.” You go in to see the chef, say, “Oh, it’s not me. It’s the front desk manager.” You go, “Where’s the front desk manager?” “Oh, he’s not here.” “Where’s the owner?”

No one’s responsible. Right? No one’s accountable. Jen Psaki says, this is what the science is. It’s a recommendation from the CDC. There haven’t been recommendations made. States, localities, they’ve been doing this — they’ve been forcing this on people — and the CDC knows that their, quote, “guidance” is gonna be used as a club to bludgeon anyone with who questions this stuff. So who’s actually responsible for the child abuse of masking in schools? Apparently nobody, Clay. It was just a whole lot of other folks making decisions.

CLAY: It’s going to be our version of Vietnam, Buck. I just feel this so concretely in my soul that many people out there who have been the foremost proponents of masking, are going to pretend that there was never any other option and that they always question whether it made sense. And they are going to try to argue that they had nothing to do with it.

To your point, Buck, everybody is going to pass the buck — no pun intended there — to someone else to try and argue the reason why they had to wear these masks wasn’t their decision and they always knew it didn’t make any sense. Just like right now — just like right now — if you go out and talk to anybody who was alive during Vietnam, every single person, almost, to a man and woman, will say, “Yeah, we knew Vietnam was a bad idea.”

And you’re already seeing a prelude of this as it pertains to the idiocy that is going on surrounding everything having to do with the absurdity — the absolute absurdity — of defund the police. It is a total sham. Everybody’s running from it. It’s gonna be the same thing with kids and masks.