Racist First Lady Compares Hispanic People to Tacos

BUCK: I called this one a mile away. I gotta say, yesterday we were talking about the old days in New York City of “Mayor Bloombergito” people are calling him for (impression), “Yo estoy el mayor,” and he’d read the Spanish off the prompter, and it was kind of funny. Just to set the scene here, Jill Biden, the first lady — and I love that. They’ve stopped… You’ve noticed they’ve stopped demanding as much you call her Dr. Jill Biden.

CLAY: Dr. Jill Biden, yeah.

BUCK: Slow your roll, you know? My grandfather had an honorary doctorate from Notre Dame. He wasn’t walking around saying, “Call me ‘doctor,’” right? Like, slow your roll, Ph.D.-in-education, lady. Anyway, she went not to the Hispanic-American conference, whatever, to the Latinx conference, the Democrats are calling this here, LatinX conference, and “IncluXion.” It was an X. It was spelled with an X.

CLAY: So insane. I know.

BUCK: To be very clear, that was gender neutral pandering to the Hispanic community in America. And I think on a bipartisan basis the Hispanic community has made it very clear they do not like the term Latinx by a 95 or 99 to one margin. They’re like, “That’s not us. Stop that.” This is the white liberals obsessed with diversity and inclusion, don’t care what the Hispanic community actually wants, they want to pander, and they want to pat themselves on the back for it. I warned you yesterday, if you remember the show, I was like, “This is not gonna go well for Jill Biden if this thing…” This is how it came out.

BUCK: “I just want to say hello to all the unique breakfast tacos.” The “bo-deh-gahs”? I mean, she’s clearly never been to a bodega in her entire life, Clay. How much more cringe pandering can we stand from one first lady?

CLAY: Everyone who was involved in this speech should be fired, and maybe walked through the White House and made to put bags over their heads (laughs) and just be walked out in infamy. I just… It’s one thing… We talk live, Buck, every day for three hours — and, believe it or not, we’re not always going to perfectly phrase our sentences. Everything is not going to be a stellar segment, right? We’re not gonna be perfect every single time. How many people do you think read this speech?

It’s, first of all, written by what sounds like a fourth grader trying to write like an eighth grader. Can we listen to that one more time, because even the breakfast taco line… Let’s not underrate how awful this is. It’s like really bad poetry that they’re trying to put together. Let’s listen to this again. Even the breakfast taco line — which is getting all the attention, as well it should. But the whole thing is awful, that whole string. Listen to it one more time.

JILL BIDEN: But we can’t get those things on our own. Raul helped build this organization with the understanding that the diversity of this community as distinct as the bodegas of the Bronx, as beautiful as the blossoms of Miami, and as unique as the breakfast tacos here in San Antonio.

CLAY: So, I think they’re trying… Note what’s trying to go on there. The blossoms of… Like, they’re trying to use three Bs together, I think, and it’s so bad.

BUCK: She should have just kept going. She should have said (impression), “As diverse as the quesos in a chalupa!”

CLAY: By the way, your Jill Biden sounds a lot like our good friend Joy Behar.

BUCK: A little bit. A little tiny bit.

CLAY: This Jill Biden speech, what I love about this on so many levels is, it is a Veep moment, for those of you who have watched the Julia Louis-Dreyfus humor. But they sent her there because they’re having trouble with the outreach to the Hispanic community, and someone in the Biden White House said, “You know what will nail down these Latinx people in our camp forever? We’re gonna compare ’em to breakfast tacos in San Antonio!”

And, like, 25 other people, Buck — ’cause you know, like, 25 people read this speech before it was given; probably 25 people helped write it. No one said, “Hey, should we be calling the Latino people tacos?” Did you see Marco Rubio (laughing) changed his profile picture to a taco, which is really, really funny, and it’s just so incompetent — and it’s not even Joe Biden doing this! This is the brilliant Dr. Jill Biden. She’s a doctor. She didn’t read this and think, “Hey, maybe I shouldn’t be comparing Latino people to tacos”?

BUCK: “America is as beautiful as a mosaic of taquitos.” You just wonder at what point — at what point — they would have the self-awareness to understand that this degree, this level of pandering was going to backfire. They’re going to the “Latinx conference.” So this is going to be left-wing. The Hispanic community overwhelmingly — and we know this — Democrat, Republican, does not like this term that is being affixed on them by the Democrat elites and the media.

CLAY: Where does it even come from? The Latinx idea? I don’t get it.

BUCK: Gender neutral language so that there’s gender inclusivity so you’re not Latino or Latina. It’s “Latinx” because there could be a nonbinary member of the Latin community. That is exactly why they are doing this. But, I mean, it’s like also funny that she’s throwing in… When at the talk about bodegas — which we’ve been talking about for a very different kind of story recently — it’s just a Spanish word for grocery store, right?

But they throw that in there to create the perception, I guess, that Jill Biden, you know, she celebrates the Hispanic community all the time. She totally loves going to their “bo-geh-dahs.” I mean, you can’t —

CLAY: (laughing)

BUCK: I think in some ways that is even, ’cause it wasn’t like… Look, if she misread it, we misread things. She doesn’t know the difference. She’s like, “I love the bo-geh-dahs!”

CLAY: Well, it’s also an indictment of her staff. Like, did they not have her read the speech beforehand? And what does “blossoms in Miami” even mean? Again, they’re trying to just tie a bunch of Bs together.

BUCK: And for anybody who’s wondering, you know, yeah, we’re joking around about this, but also, she is being deployed as a first lady to make very political, very partisan arguments.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: She was not a meeting to talk about like a celebration of Hispanic culture or something like that. We’re talking about how she (laughing) had some swings and misses to start this thing off. But she went into real policy. Listen to this.

BUCK: So, this is the most basic Democrat talking point nonsense that she’s reading about here, Clay. Imagine… She’s going straight into the center of the political arena. This is not first lady talking niceties with the White House staff or something. This is the first lady being used as a political messenger. Just imagine for a second… This never happened.

Imagine Melania was out there reading speeches about tariffs on China and how it’s time to hold them accountable. She could do that, but then she’s totally in the realm of political criticism and political opposition. The first lady is being used here because I think Joe Biden and his whole team are desperate. So she’s almost being used as a policy stand-in, which is different.

CLAY: Yeah, I think you’re right. And the reason why they’re having to do that is because they thought she’s more competent than Joe Biden, and for anybody out there that is a spouse… I had this conversation with my wife recently. I really want to know what she is thinking right now if she truly loves Joe Biden, right? She married him; she’s been married took him for a long time.

Let’s presume that she does. What in the world can she be thinking, Buck, watching her husband descend into an abject failure, a laughingstock, and also knowing and seeing, likely, far worse than what we’re seeing in public? Because as bad as we think Joe Biden looks, that is Joe Biden at his apex. That is Joe Biden absolutely prepared as much as he can. What is she seeing and hearing him do on a daily basis, and how responsible does she feel for the fact that she likely has encouraged this?

BUCK: I think we can answer this pretty easily, though. I think, Clay, that she’s convinced herself that Trump was going to destroy the country and that it’s necessary, even in Joe Biden’s current state. I think she’s convinced herself of this, honestly, even as his wife, even seeing him that Joe is, by merely being there —

CLAY: He’s saving the country.

BUCK: — he’s saving the country. I think she’s convinced herself of that lunacy. I really do. I mean, if someone’s gonna… You know, they used to psychologically diagnose Trump all the time from afar. I’ll psychologically diagnose the first family right now. It’s Biden, by not being Trump, is doing the greatest service to his country in living memory. That’s the delusion that they’re living in.

CLAY: So here’s the question that I’ll leave everybody with as we go into break here. What is she telling Joe Biden privately about the idea of running in 2024? Because if you’re right, Buck, okay, she believes Joe Biden has stepped in and saved the country from Trump. She also is seeing that Joe Biden can’t even read off of a teleprompter.

And whatever deficiencies and decrepitude we are seeing begin to take over as the dementia expands in Joe Biden’s brain. What is she telling him right now going forward? I think you’re right, Buck, that they’re trying to give him a heavier lift because they know Joe Biden isn’t capable of carrying that load. And then she just goes right out and blows it with the breakfast tacos line, which is so incompetent, it does feel like a scene from Veep.

BUCK: Oh, yeah. She was one step away from saying, you know, “And I carry a little jar of salsa around all the time with me ’cause I celebrate your culture so much.” The pandering was at a level where you come go, “Who could think this is a good idea?” Only an elitist, white liberal who has actually no connection whatsoever to the Hispanic community. That’s what you saw.

CLAY: And it legitimately makes me wonder who’s on her staff and how did they send her out to read that speech? It’s incompetence on an epic scale. They should all be fired for being idiots.