Stupid Covid Rules Are About to Screw Pro Sports

CLAY: I was talking to you about this off air, and I know some people are not huge sports fans. But sports and covid have been an interesting interplay because they’ve often given us a forecast of where we’re headed. The NBA, the NHL, and the NFL are all having massive covid breakouts right now. Why does that matter? Well, all three of those leagues have close to 100% vaccination rates.

This is what Fauci and Biden and everybody else have told us is the key to getting back to normalcy. Buck, they just shut down the L.A. Rams facility — NFL team — because of too much covid. The Cleveland Browns, eight different players right now have covid. The Raptors, Toronto Raptors — even crazier policies in Canada — they just had to postpone their Thursday game.

The Calgary Flames have had to postpone three games and the Chicago Bulls in the NBA have had to postpone two games. Current outbreaks in the NBA on the Charlotte Hornets, the New York Nets, and the New York Knicks. All of this is further evidence that we cannot vaccinate our way back to normalcy, that covid is going to be endemic and with us probably forever.

But these teams, Buck, because they have 97, 98, 99%… Some of these teams have 100% vaccination rates. It’s not stopping the outbreak. Covid is still there. Some of these guys are double vaxxed. Almost all of them are double vaxxed. A lot of them are boostered. And covid is still a massive issue such that we’re getting games canceled again nearly two years after the first cancellations occurred in March of 2020.

BUCK: Where does this go, Clay? We keep wondering. We’re only in the middle of December. I mean, the worst, based on last year, time for covid is still roughly 30 days way.

CLAY: Mid-January.

BUCK: Yeah, mid-January. So how much more of this are we gonna be put through, and how many more times are we going to see these kinds of restrictions? You’re also seeing the Omicron panic out there that some are pushing seems to just completely ignore that as of now, everything that we have seen thus far in the data… Remember, I’ve gotta say everything perfectly or else. Fauci can be wrong every day and the left treats him like a genius.

CLAY: Nobody cares. Yeah.

BUCK: If I say anything and, oh, Omicron turns out to be dangerous in a month. Disinformation. Everything that we’ve seen about Omicron so far is that it’s less dangerous than Delta and might be not dangerous, effectively, as, you know, no more so than a common cold.

CLAY: It could be that. We hope, based on the data — it’s not crazy to say right now, based on the Omicron data — that this could be what ends the pandemic in an absolute best-case scenario. Because the mutation of the virus becomes far less of a threat. And if we could have Omicron spread more rapidly than Delta, it would be better, theoretically, for people to be getting this version of covid than Delta or other versions of covid.

It’s still early. Can’t say that for sure. But in a best case, optimistic scenario. But sports is screwed, Buck. That’s what I want to say. I don’t think people have realized this yet. The policies they put in place right now are going to force a ton of games, I believe, to be canceled and rescheduled, best-case scenario.