The View’s Hostin Wants Masks to Protect Her from the Peasants

BUCK: The View is a maelstrom of stupidity on the airwaves.

CLAY: Well said.

BUCK: Thank you. Appreciate that. Wordsmithing we do.

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: And which they do not do over there, by the way. Not a lot of wordsmithing on The View.

CLAY: I’m not sure a lot of those girls can read, much less wordsmithing. They hate Shakespeare, but I’m not even sure they can read Shakespeare. Let’s be honest.

BUCK: I thought I was being mean, and then Travis comes in with an elbow from the top belt buckle, jumping right down in the middle of the ring. All right.

Oh, man. So. Threw me. Anyway, welcome back to Clay and Buck, in case you didn’t know. Here is the latest from The View on the mask thing. We just wanted to talk about this just because there are people — I’ve been warning all along that they were going to be saying that they want to mask up forever and certainly on planes because of their anxiety.

HOSTIN: When it comes to mask mandates, they’re there because people just aren’t great people. That’s just the bottom line. Americans aren’t great to each other. We just aren’t. And so when it comes to things like flying —

HAINES: Yeah, I agree.

HOSTIN: — the mask mandate is supposed to be lifted April 18th. I don’t want to get on a plane with superspreaders. I don’t want to get on a plane with 214 other people that are gonna be breathing on me with their covid breath. I don’t want it. I don’t want it. I want the mask.

BUCK: Say, I think she probably has a mental health disorder, I think she has an anxiety disorder. Honestly. She doesn’t see it that way, but she does. But maybe also there’s something else here, Clay.

I think she thinks that the peasants — you know, she’s a multimillionaire TV celebrity. I think she thinks the peasants are dirty. And I’m gonna tell you something. I see this a lot.

The only place you have a lot of masking going on even many places like Florida, if you go to a high-end, a fancy hotel, a fancy restaurant, anything like that, the staff, the peasants in The View’s parlance or in The View’s perspective, they’re all masked up.

CLAY: Yeah, that’s true.

BUCK: But the important rich people, in either the case of TV, you know, TV commentary or, you know, the people that are going to, you know, the Ritz, whatever, they don’t have to mask up. And I think that you really do see this. This is psychologically something that the left has a big problem with.

CLAY: I thought this, I know it’s crazy. I mentioned that I was in the mall over tweaked and there were still some fast food employees in the food court that were having to wear masks. And I do think, Buck, that there is a large degree of caste system when it comes to masking.

And the more wealthy, the more high end you are — and I think it’s a good analogy when you look at these fancy hotels or fancy restaurants– the amount of people who are serving the rich with masks still on is really through the roof. I mean, it still is common.

BUCK: Remember when I said that superhuman tolerance for hypocrisy of the left, which I should make a little meme of myself saying this ’cause I think that really does describe it well. Note to self, Clay.

But remember when we saw this with the Met Gala and AOC, the staff is all masked up. The attendees are not. Right? And they’re just okay with this. They keep doing this. It’s outrageous.

And I’m just gonna say this, even on airplanes. You have these — and please, I beg you, if you or your wife or your husband is an airline attendant and you’re cool and normal and not throwing people off plains because the mask slips off their nose, don’t email and tell me — I’m not saying it about everybody, okay? I’m taking it about the lunatic Siberian prison guards who walk around saying, you’ve taken too long, mask up, you’ve taken too long, mask up.

Clay, they pull their masks down as their shouting, which actually spreads more droplets, as Fauci would say, for the entire, you know, bothering me when I’m trying to read my book and they have to tell me for the millionth time about how to put my damn seat belt on? It’s outrageous.