VIP Emailer Spots a Clay Look-Alike

Pam, a C&B VIP, sent this:

Hi Guys! Just a quick note to tell you that I’ve found Clay’s doppelganger! In my feed today was the tryout of two teen girls on The Voice…in Germany! At some point they cut to one of the judges, and he looked like a rocked-out Clay Travis!

After a little sleuthing I found out his name is Alec Voelkel and he’s a part of the band The BossHoss. I think you should Google him–& be sure to check out images!–& tell us what you think! Have a great one, and keep doing what you’re doing. You are hands down the best radio show out there; Rush would be proud and honored.

What do you think? Is it Clay? Become a VIP and email us.